The Power of the Tongue

Last week, during Yom Kippur services, a quote in my prayer book jumped out at me:

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Proverbs 18:21

Because so much of my personal and professional focus is on aging and ageism, the quote made me think of Dr. Becca Levy's study on aging, which revealed the better people feel about aging, the better they age--and the longer they live (and 7.5 years longer!).

Society has perpetuated so many negative stereotypes about aging--stereotypes further perpetuated by the very people they target--that these messages have taken a real toll on the way Adults 60+, in particular, are perceived by themselves and others. Examples of this include birthday cards, TV shows and movies, comedy routines, and memes--not to mention, snide remarks people think to themselves and/or share with their friends and coworkers--all of which are supposedly conveyed "in jest."

But to what end? The inability to find or keep a job? Dismissiveness by healthcare workers? Infantilism by "well-meaning" family members and caregivers? Because THAT is what the true result of societal ageism looks and feels like to those on the receiving end of it.

And perhaps worst of all, a shorter life- or health-span.

This Saturday, October 7, is #AgeismAwarenessDay. What better time is there to commit to counting our blessings while we're counting our years--and to actively rejecting the negative speech and thoughts that so many associate with older age. Because, as Proverbs--and research--says, it could be a matter of life and death.


Ageism is No Joke
